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Jackson 731-256-0023 Clarksville 931-683-0070

Divorce Preparation Checklist

divorce checklist

Deciding to get a divorce may be one of the most thought-out and difficult choices to ever make. Once you’ve overcome the emotional hurdles and come to the conclusion a divorce is truly what you want, there are several practical issues which require immediate attention. With the help of an experienced and aggressive Jackson family law attorney such as ours at Casey, Simmons, & Bryan, PLLC, you can rest assured the complications of divorce will be handled by skilled professionals.

Some simple steps need to be taken before officially filing for divorce. Even though no two divorces are the same, there are general guidelines to be followed which will help make the process a lot less hectic and confusing when it comes time to handling paperwork and other procedures.

Here Are a Few Things to Check Off Your List Before Filing for Divorce:
  1. Gather all financial records – This is perhaps the most important thing to do before an impending divorce. Divorce is almost always revolved around financial matters, which makes it essential you have your documents, assets, credit card statements, tax returns, and other assets and liabilities at your fingertips.
  2. Separate finances – Above all, divorce may be expensive. Splitting your finances by creating a separate bank account will help you in the long run, when you may have to live off one income and/or find a new place to live.
  3. Change your beneficiaries – If you have a will, trust, or other estate planning documents, your spouse will no longer be your beneficiary.
  4. Hire an attorney – Finding the right legal professional for you is crucial. Divorce can be incredibly complex, and you want to have the peace of mind that you are in good hands. Luckily, we at Casey, Simmons, & Bryant, PLLC, serve Jackson, Memphis, Clarksville, and West and Middle Tennessee.

Planning ahead by making sure you have handled the above issues in your divorce preparation checklist may save you a lot of financial, emotional, and mental stress in the long run. Divorce isn’t necessarily easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard. With the help of a strong-minded and skilled Jackson divorce lawyer, you don’t have to face this journey alone. Taking these small steps in getting ahead of the process will be invaluable to you in the future, so don’t hesitate to get a head start today.

Contact our offices by calling 731.256.0023 to speak to a representative.
