Jackson 731-256-0023
Clarksville 931-683-0070
person in handcuffs

Understanding Assault & Battery Charges in Tennessee

Any type of violent crime, including assault and battery, could result in serious legal repercussions for the accused. Tennessee takes violent crimes very seriously and often persecutes those convicted to the fullest extent of the law. Depending on the circumstances of the alleged crime, the crime may be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. If you are facing charges of assault and battery, aggravated assault, or another similar charge, make sure you know what you’re up against.

Defining Assault

Assault and battery charges fall under the larger scope of general assault. Assault and battery could each be charged as separate crimes, but the two typically go hand in hand.

In order to be charged with any type of assault crime, the prosecution must believe you have done one of the following:

  • Knowingly or intentionally caused physical contact with another person in a way that could be regarded as either offensive or provocative
  • Knowingly or intentionally caused another person to fear for their safety or to expect injury
  • Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused bodily injury

Assault Charges

There are many different types of assault charges, most of which differ based on the relationship between the accused and the alleged victim, and the physical harm done. If the defendant was related to the alleged victim, either by household connection, romantic relationship, or blood, they will likely be charged with domestic assault.

If the charges accuse the defendant of causing serious bodily injury, such as cuts, abrasions, bruises, burns, broken bones, acute physical pain, loss of consciousness, or any type of disfigurement or impairment, the defendant will likely be charged with aggravated assault. Aggravated assault is a felony in Tennessee, and could result in up to 15 years in prison, among other serious penalties. A person might also be charged with aggravated assault if a weapon was involved.

Other types of charges include reckless assault, which is also charged as a felony and can result in up to 12 years in prison.

Potential Penalties for Assault & Battery

If convicted, you could face harsh penalties under Tennessee state law. The punishment for assault and battery crimes include:

  • Imprisonment
  • Costly fines
  • Mandatory restitution
  • Mandatory anger management classes
  • Probation

Additionally, the conviction for assault and battery will appear on your criminal record, which may make it more difficult to find suitable housing or to find a good job. A violent crimes conviction might also interfere with your ability to care for your child, preventing you from contact with your children or otherwise changing your custody or visitation arrangement. You will also lose your right to possess firearms.

Are you facing criminal charges for assault and battery? Our firm is here to help defend your rights and protect your freedom. Our attorneys are not here to judge you, we are here to make sure you have a legal advocate you can rely on.

Contact Casey, Simmons & Bryant, PLLCto speak with our Jackson criminal defense lawyers about your case.
