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5 Things You Should Never Do After an Arrest

handcuffs and fingerprints

If you were arrested, what you do next could have a significant impact on your future. Whether you were arrested for a minor crime or a potential felony, your actions are extremely important in determining how your case is handled. If you allow the police to search your home, you could wind up giving them evidence to use against you, or if you fail to contact an attorney, you might be left without legal representation when you need it most. In short, there are several things you need to do after you’ve been arrested in order to protect your rights and your future, but there are also several things you should avoid.

In order to ensure that you have the best possible chance of seeing your charges or decreased or dropped altogether, you need to know what to do after an arrest. Read below for a few tips from our firm:

1. Don’t Try To Handle Everything Alone

The very first thing you should do after an arrest is call a criminal defense attorney. Trying to fight charges on your own can be extremely difficult, especially if your case goes to trial. From the moment you are put under arrest, you need to be careful about what you do and what you say, and an experienced criminal defense attorney can help provide you with the guidance and information you need.

2. Do Not Provide the Police With a Statement

After your arrest, the police will likely ask you for a statement, and they may try to ask you several questions in order to get some sort of response from you. It is absolutely essential that you not speak to the police until you’ve spoken with your attorney. Remember, anything you say to the officers could be used against you later in court. Once you’ve talked to your lawyer, he or she will most likely tell you not to speak to the officers alone. In most cases, you will only give a statement when your attorney is present, and he or she will be able to tell you which of the police officer’s questions you should or shouldn’t answer.

3. Avoid Lashing Out at Officers

During and after your arrest, it is extremely important to remain civil towards any police officers. This can be much easier said than done, especially if the officers are goading you or handling you roughly, but if you retaliate, it could make your situation far worse. Do not resist arrest and never strike an officer, or you could face additional charges, even if you are innocent.

4. Never Discuss Details of Your Case

The only person you should discuss your case with is your attorney. Never discuss any details of your case or your arrest with friends, family members, or anyone else in jail with you. You should be particularly careful about what you say over the phone while in jail, as these conversations are often recorded. Even though you may want to vent about the situation to friends, or you may feel pressure to divulge the truth to family members, it is far safer for you if you remain quiet. If you aren’t sure how much you can say about your case, always ask your attorney ahead of time.

5. Don’t Allow Anyone To Search Your Home

If you are at home on bond, police officers may ask to enter your home, your vehicle, or your temporary residence in order to search the area for evidence. You are completely within your rights to refuse a search, and the officers cannot enter unless they have your permission or a warrant. As persuasive as the officer may be, always politely deny access to your private space and contact your attorney immediately.

Were you arrested? Our firm can help. Contact Casey, Simmons & Bryant, PLLC to speak with our Jackson criminal defense lawyers about your case.
