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How to Peacefully Navigate the Holidays After a Divorce


Getting through the holidays after a divorce might seem like an impossible task, especially given the hectic nature of this very busy season. However, with a little cooperation and compromise, you and your co-parent can reduce conflict and navigate the holidays peacefully, which can help set the groundwork for a healthier relationship as you continue to raise your children. For many, this undoubtedly sounds far easier said than done, but with a little guidance and some helpful tips, you can embrace the most wonderful time of the year.

Tips for Celebrating the Holidays

Before you get started on making your holiday plans, review your holiday visitation schedule to ensure you are not stepping on your co-parent’s toes. Keep in mind that even if it is your day with the children, the holiday schedule supersedes it, so hold off on making plans until you are certain they do not clash with your co-parent’s visitation.

If some of the language in your holiday visitation schedule seems vague or you are unsure about the details, discuss it with your co-parent. You might have to go to court to change some of the language and address any issues that seem unclear.

Here are some additional tips you should consider as we embark on the holiday season:

  1. Be flexible when possible: Although you and your co-parent should do your best to create a plan that you can stick to, remember that flexibility is important. Something might come up and, if it does not derail your plans, extending some goodwill will not hurt you. Your co-parent might even return the favor in the future.
  1. Make plans with your friends and family: During the holidays when you do not have your children, reach out to your friends and family for support instead of spending this time alone, dwelling on your sadness. Consider this an opportunity to do something new or start a new tradition for yourself.
  1. Create new traditions with your children: You can also start some new traditions with your kids. The holidays will look a lot different after your divorce, but that does not have to be a bad thing. Instead of trying to recreate traditions of the past, mix it up and start your own. If you try to cling to old traditions, it might make your children focus on the past instead of the present.
  1. Remember to take care of yourself: Caring for yourself is important regardless of the season, but it is especially crucial during this overwhelming time of year. Do something nice for yourself, even if all you can do is set some time aside to breathe and have a quiet moment on your own.

Contact Our Experienced Family Law Team Today!

Not all family law issues can be resolved without the assistance of a legal expert. At Casey, Simmons & Bryant, PLLC, our team is backed by more than three decades of experience and a history of successful results. When you choose to work with us, you can rest assured your case will be in good hands.

Reach out to our law office today at (731) 256-0023 to schedule a consultation to discuss the details of your case.
