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Dealing with Divorce During the Holidays

Is Divorce Common During the Holidays?

Have you ever heard that divorce rates increase during the holiday season? Typically, January is when divorce rates spike, but the holidays are often cited as the breaking point for many people. With Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and other winter holidays packed into such a short period, many couples and parents experience increased stress levels at work and home. If the couple has children, shared or otherwise, they may also be dealing with the mad dash that accompanies the end of the fall semester.

The increased stress of the holiday season frequently creates a situation in which couples who were previously on the fence regarding whether they want to continue with their relationships decide that they are ready to separate. This is always a difficult decision that no couple makes lightly. When it comes during the holiday season, it can be particularly painful.

So, if you find that this holiday season signals the end of your relationship, what should you do? Keep reading for some helpful guidance.

Call Upon an Experienced Attorney for Guidance

Ending a marriage, no matter how long it was, is never easy, and you may be unsure of what to do first. Whether you are only just considering a divorce or are already separated, you should consult with an experienced, compassionate divorce attorney like ours at Casey, Simmons & Bryant, PLLC. An attorney can walk you through the process and ensure that all paperwork is prepared and filed properly. They can also help you through property division, spousal support, and custody negotiations.

Your attorney can also help you with the following:

  • Understand more fully what the divorce process entails
  • Determine if divorce is the best option for you and your situation
  • Get a sense of what your life will look like post-divorce, both practically and financially
  • Feel supported during a process that, for many, feels isolating

Going through a divorce at any time of the year can be an alienating process. You don’t have to go through it alone. Call our law firm or send us a message online to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers.

Keep reading for more tips on helping your children through their first holiday season post-divorce.

Helping Your Children Through Their First Holiday Season Post-Divorce

No matter when in the past year you and your co-parent divorced, the first holiday season after can be particularly difficult for children of all ages. Even when co-parents are amicable and have a combined Thanksgiving or Christmas event, it can still feel awkward, uncomfortable, or painful. Consequently, many parents look for ways to help their children through this difficult transition.

One of the best ways to help your children through this first post-divorce holiday season is to manage their expectations. Ensure they understand how the holiday time will be split, at which parent’s home they will spend each day, and whether they will attend any events. Being clear and preparing your children for what the new holiday schedule will be can go a long way in helping them feel more stabilized during this difficult period.

Relatedly, it is also a good idea to outline your holiday plans well in advance so that you, too, know what will happen when the day comes. Planning ahead also allows you to iron out any problems or scheduling conflicts with your co-parent well in advance. This can help increase the likelihood that the holiday itself goes smoothly. For example, if there is a schedule conflict, the sooner you know about it, the easier it will be to mitigate.

Finally, we recommend doing your best to keep an open line of communication with your co-parent (when possible) throughout the holiday season. When appropriate, you and your co-parent can share schedules and have a sense of what each parent is planning for the holiday.

We also recommend remaining flexible and open to compromise and potential last-minute changes. People get sick, bad weather rolls in, and flights get canceled – being emotionally prepared for the unexpected can help reduce the stress these situations cause and help you avoid conflict with your co-parent.

For more tips on how to manage the holidays post-divorce, review our blog here.
